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  • Crea
  • Macfrut
  • Mipaaf

Non c’è casa migliore del Macfrut di Rimini per ospitare il capitolo Romagnolo di Agrogeneration!

Macfrut è l’evento di riferimento per i professionisti del settore ortofrutticolo in Italia e in Europa. La nuova sede espositiva, il numero di aziende italiane ed estere in crescita, le molteplici iniziative per l’innovazione e l’internazionalizzazione ne fanno un appuntamento imperdibile.

Macfrut è infatti una fiera verticale che rappresenta tutta la filiera: 11 settori (Sementi, Novità vegetali & Vivaismo, Tecnologie produttive, Produzione, Commercio & Distribuzione, Macchinari & Tecnologie, Materiali & Imballaggi, IV gamma, Frutta secca, Logistica, Servizi). Gli incontri BtoB, aree meeting e convegni specializzati e molti eventi collaterali offrono a chi visita non solo un momento di business, ma anche di conoscenza e di approfondimento.

Macfrut è un evento sempre più internazionale che garantisce opportunità di fare affari insieme alla specializzazione tecnica, al know how ed alle eccellenze uniche presenti nel territorio. Tantissimi gli eventi dedicati all’innovazione ed il futuro della filiera agricola promossi da MIPAAF e Regione Emilia Romagna.


16/09/2016 | 12:00
Naturally Ventilated Greenhouses

curated by CREA Orticoltura di Pontecagnano (Salerno)

16/09/2016 | 10:00
Area dedicated to field research, in discovery of CREA innovations

CREA researchers meet the public to showcase their studies:  Exhibition of new plant varieties;  Presentation of grape varieties with the evaluation of organoleptic aspects, conducted by CREA Viticulture of Turi (Bari) with students of the HACK high school in Bari;  Illustration of the research presented in the stand with posters, films, equipment […]

15/09/2016 | 19:00
Those who research, enjoy the fruits of their labour! From CREA research comes fruit based innovative products

Presentation and tastings of CREA jams, mustards and juices in order to discover, between innovation, curiosity, flavours, combinations and recipes, another way to taste and savour fruit. Curated by CREA Trasformazioni Agroalimentari and CREA Alimenti e Nutrizione.

15/09/2016 | 15:00
Precision Agriculture: the future is already here

What is precision farming? How will it affect the future of the primary Sector? And why is it a topic of great discussion? Speakers: Michele Pisante (CREA commissioner), and Carlo Alberto Assirelli Bisaglia (CREA Agricultural Engineering), Antonio Boschetti (Director of Informatore Agrario), Paolo Bruni (CSO President), Paulo Menesatti (CREA Director of Agricultural Engineering). Moderator: Massimo […]

15/09/2016 | 10:00
Area dedicated to field research, in discovery of CREA Innovations

CREA researchers meet the public to showcase their studies: • Exhibition of new plant varieties; • Presentation of grape varieties with the evaluation of organoleptic aspects, conducted by CREA Viticulture of Turi (Bari) with students of the HACK high school in Bari; • Illustration of the research presented in the stand with posters, films, equipment […]

14/09/2016 | 16:30
Area dedicated to field research in discovery of CREA innovations

CREA researchers meet the public to showcase their studies: Presentation and tasting of monovariety grape juices, organized by CREA Viticulture in Velletri (Rome)

14/09/2016 | 15:30
Area dedicated to field research in discovery of CREA innovations

CREA researchers meet the public to showcase their studies: In vitro culture with the use of growth substrates and plant material, organized by CREA Agrumicoltura Acireale (Catania)

14/09/2016 | 14:30
Indirect methods for weed management in organic horticulture

organized by CREA Agriculture and Environment of Rome

14/09/2016 | 12:00
Seedless is Prefered: the Boom of Apirena Grapes

Featuring members of CREA and other guests who will trace back the history of the seedless grape – the exemplary case of successful innovation that jumped ahead as a product that is popular with consumers and in sales. Speakers: Salvatore Parlato (Extraodinary Commissioner, CREA), Donato Antonacci (Director of CREA Viticoltura of Turi-BA), Nicola Giuliano (Vice-President, […]

14/09/2016 | 10:00
Area dedicated to field research in the discovery of CREA innovations

CREA researchers meet the public to showcase their studies: • Exhibition of new plant varieties; • Presentation of grape varieties with the evaluation of organoleptic aspects, conducted by CREA Viticulture of Turi (Bari) with students of the HACK high school in Bari; • Demonstration of the research presented in the stand with posters, films, equipment […]